Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Third times a charm

I have had a busy few days. On Saturday, I went to a meeting and then we just lounged around during the day. The kids were tired from their excursion to a White Sox Game and not feeling well. On Sunday, I went to church and when I arrived home I could hear this loud grinding noise coming from inside the house. My first instinct was “Oh my gosh what have they done to their dad or what is he doing?” And then the grinding noise stopped and I could hear loud music. Then the grinding started again. Hmmm, what is he working on? I come in the house to find that S decided to finish the upstairs hallway painting. We worked on the foyer in late August / early September but never finished the upstairs hallway. I helped tape it off and do the edging and we had the priming done by lunch time. Let it dry and then had the main color done with touch ups in the foyer by dinner time. A long day of painting, no catch up quilting or any sewing or crafting this weekend.

I shouldn’t say no quilting. I did work on B4 Chris’s Soccer Field. I cut it out and sewed, pressed, sewed and pressed until it was complete. Squared it up to add the border and well, I forgot to add the half an inch and the block was too small and did not look like the picture. Here is attempt one:
Start over, cut out the pieces, sewed, pressed, sewed and pressed until it was complete. Squared up the pieces only to realize, that I did something terribly wrong and I’m not sure what. But here is attempt number two:
And finally, start over again. Cut out the pieces, sewed, pressed, sewed and pressed until it was complete. Squared up the piece to add the border and this time it worked. It’s not exactly like the picture, my sewing doesn’t look to have been very straight. But for now I am happy with the block and have no intentions of making it again right now. Here is the third attempt:

Here’s hoping tomorrow (Thursday) will be an easier day and I can get another post up and maybe even one or two more blocks caught up. And what to do with the blocks I messed up? I think I'm going to make them into pincushions, I'm not sure.

1 comment:

Anina said...

Oh my goodness Wendy! That was quite and ordeal. Congrats on hanging in there and getting it done though. It looks great.