Tuesday, June 19, 2007

How do you keep control?

How do I keep up? I don't. I have to be very honest when I say that I have really let my house go. I found the Flylady in 2003 in a Woman's Day article. It talked about how to get ready for Christmas and to view the holiday season as a though you were going on a cruise. You could cruise through the holidays. And that year I did for the most part. I stuck with the system got my house in order, had a routine for myself and for my kids (including the little girl that I baby sat for part time). I did really good, even after baby #3 arrived. That is until we moved back to Plainfield.

I would really like to blame it on the house, the house is too big. But we need the space. Do we really need the space? If I would get back into the groove and take the babysteps to get my house in order and de-clutter. Purge, get rid of broken toys, get rid of toys that are not played with, get rid of the clothes that are to small and that can not be worn because they are beyond conventional stain removal methods. I would be okay.

Starting tomorrow...that is Wednesday. I am going to get back on track. I have committed to the 30-Day Honoring and Respecting our Husband Challenge hosted by Fruit in Season and I think to respect my husband I must get my house in order. I also feel that by getting my house in order my husband will respect me more. I love him very much and I want him to feel the love when he walks in the door and has a house that welcomes him home. I also feel that I will respect myself more if I get my house in order. I'm not saying, crazy, perfectionist order, but just a bit more order. No more clutter!

Challenge for Wednesday:

  • Zone 4 - Master Bedroom - I found this article and am going to work in our bedroom tomorrow. Now the article says to do it for yourself and for no one else. I am going to do it for my husband as well. He has allergies and one of his allergies is to dust, so I am
    going to clean all surfaces and clear the dressers off.
  • Zone 2 - Kitchen - Sweep and polish the floors. I say polish because they are laminate floors, you really can't "mop" the floors. But I will be mopping the tile in the entry way.
  • Zone 1 - Entry - Sweep the porch and sidewalk. Make it more appealing when you walk up.
  • Control Journal - Start one that I can keep. I always thought, I don't need one. But I think it is pretty obvious that I do.

Feel free to check on me to make sure that I am still rolling. The support and motivation will help me out as I get my house in order. Babysteps!


1 comment:

Melanie said...

I love the zone ideas!